Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Safran bien arrivé à Port Vila (Vanuatu)

Nous voici bien arrivé après une bonne traversée de 3 jours et demi depuis Vuda jusqu'à l'île de Tanna au sud des Vanuatu.
Nous sommes montés de nuit au volcan Yasur en activité. Très beau spectacle de lave qui sort et explose. Puis rapide traversée de 24h par forte à très forte mer et 30 à 40 noeuds de vent et arrivée depuis hier soir à Port Vila.
Le temps est couvert et nous attendons enfin le soleil pour aller faire de la plongée.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Les dernières photos de Nouvelle Zélande

Two days trekking in mont Sommers

Kids with Laurie and Anne grand daughters Grace & Ella

Untypical NZ scenery

Tristan observing wollies sheep

Thousands of migratory birds on Farevell spit

Romain make a cairn on the way

Théa has power on her brother

Théa sheep to be sheered

Sheep and deer farming in NZ

Play with Tabia and Jonathan in Collingwood

Pig race in mayfield

On Wanaka lake with Tussock and Annie Lucas

Mustering sheep in Tim and Gaeva helicopter

Mountain hut during our trekking

Merinos wool

Laurie Prounting and Adrienne Doyle at a diner

Laurie put asleep a stag

Graeme (NZ) & Claude (Fr) on mont John observatory

Deers in Laurie and Anne garden

Dear farm in Mesopotamia

Guest bouk in Prouting house

Adieu et Merci à Laurie, le Saint Exupéry de l'hémisphère sud

D'inoubliables expériences pour tous les 5 en Nouvelle Zélande

Kids say hello to all from Kiwi island

Isabelle and Théa on Mesopotamia station

Tristan sun bathing

Tristan after swimming in 10 ° C water

With Laurie before he flie off

Visiting Messy school (2 kids + 1 teacher only)

Romain drafting sheep

Tea time in the bush

Arriving at Felt Hut

Tristan writing diary in hut

Accross swing bridge in mont Sommers

Romain an native plant in NZ

Inside camping car

Tristan and Romain on helicopter

Flying over the high country

Farming with quad and helicopter

Tristan and Romain driving a quad

From boat to van kitchen !...

Gold panning in west coast of NZ

Helicopter trip with Laurie

Inside camping van with Claude

Isabelle dreaming in cap Farevell

Isabelle and kids flying off with Tim

Isabelle flying Laurie Cessna

Kids in front of mont Cook

Romain stick collection

Laurie and Tristan making a road

On the way to Messy in Laurie Cessna

On top of wooded hole

Pique nique avec Claude à Akaora

On Wanaka lake with the Lucas

Sunday afternoon on Wanaka lake

Théa and mont Cook

Tristan and Théa happy to be in NZ

Romain in high country

Tristan ready to transfer the dogs for mustering

Trophy of sleeping deer

White water rafting for Xavier

Using the billy in camping

Early and cold morning start of trekking

Début du trekking sur le mont Sommers

Xavier and Isabelle say cheers to all of you