Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On a passe sans pb les trois premieres ecluses hier soir de 23h a minuit30. Seuls derriere un gros cargo . Nous avons donc quitte l'oceanatlantique et monte de 25 m. Nous avons passe la nuit accroches a une bouee sur le lac Gatun puis ce matin depart a 0700 h . On marche a 6noeuds et nous serons aux dernieres ecluses de miraflores vers 1230h-1330h . ( UTC 17 or 18 h to be checked).19

Xavier , Isabelle, May 20 2008

Safran was leading the way, with Captain Xavier (on the picture Safran is the first boat on the right)

Since , Safran is anchored in the Pacific and the crew is drinking champagne with friends. I just talk to them . They will probably leave this week end for the Galapagos with the new panamean assistant skipper

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